29.08.09 Minsk The international dog show CACIB-FCI. The expert G.Shegol (Georgia) Sarovsky Suvenir Sazerli -exellent1, , the winner of a class Galenvagen Luchshiy Podarok Iz Mira Zvezd - Champion of Belarussia
01.12.09 At the age of 11 years has died, having left in each of us a part of, "elder" of nursery - Lesley Ot Nevskogo Hobbita... Run, Lesley, on the rainbow Bridge...
25.04.09 Nizhni Novgorod. A cup of Nizhni Novgorod (, Ch RKF). The expert O.Belyh (Russia) Sarovsky Suvenir Sazerli - exellent1, J, the best junior Sarovsky Suvenir Prevoshodniy Paren - the best male We congratulate Sarovsky Suvenir Osennaya Rhapsodiya - Murmansk on closing of the Junior Champion of Russia! We wish the further victories!!!